When it comes to cosmetics manufacturing, Sinerga believes in the sustainability of the supply chain

Corporate Social Responsibility

The core value of Sinerga’s philosophy is sustainability in all its facets: environmental, social and economic: therefore, we strongly believe in adopting socially responsible behaviors towards the society and our stakeholders, in the environmental protection and in a responsible use of natural resources. This sustainable approach is one of the key features of our competiveness and we try to promote and spread similar initiatives among our partners.


ECOVADIS recognitions: EcoVadis is a leading provider of sustainability assessments rating the quality of the CSR according to its politics, actions and results. Already in 2016, Sinerga gained the Silver recognition level, which rates the supply chain sustainability across four different categories: Environment, Labor Practices, Fair Business Practices and Sustainable Procurement. Our continuous commitment to implementing, controlling and improving our social and environmental performances is attested by our 2020 promotion to the Gold Recognition level, then confirmed in 2021, 2022 and 2023.Today, Sinerga Spa is among the top 15% EcoVadis certified suppliers across all the different categories. 


SINERGA ETHICAL CODE: our Ethical Code is involved in all our day-to-day activities following the principles of honesty, fairness and respect, which are the guide values of our workers and partners (DOWNLOAD DOC).

 SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT:  in order to ensure that all our partners respect our ethics, legal and operational standards.  (DOWNLOAD DOC)

Our commitment to sustainability follows a multi-level approach:
